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Turbo Fitting Tape
Fitting Tape is a cloth tape specifically designed to modify release, ease grip tension and/or adjust hole size without making major changes to ball drilling. If you suffer from increased swelling while you bowl, Fitting Tape could be an ideal solution. No more fidgeting with taking pieces of tape in and out of your ball. Simply apply the tape to your fingers or thumb prior to bowling and remove as you swell. Each roll is 1" wide, approximately 14' in length and will yield 40-50 applications depending on use.
F225 Fitting Tape Beige; smooth texture, tight weave. The 200 series is our most popular and most common style of Fitting Tape.
F125 Fitting Tape Purple; Semi-smooth texture. The 100 series has a loose weave, slower release, medium thickness.
F325 Fitting Tape Mint, Course texture. The 300 series is the thickest and most coarse of our three Fitting Tapes. If you use multiple pieces of bowling tape, the F325 style will be best suitable replacement for traditional bowling tape.